Filtering by: “Observatory”

The New Real Salon Showcase
to 30 Oct

The New Real Salon Showcase

Join The New Real, a project out of the Edinburgh Future’s Institute, as we present a programme of work, Exploring the future of AI and the arts, across the weekend of October 28th - 30th. The New Real Showcase, taking place on the 29th and 30th, presents a suite of artworks and interactive exhibits from The New Real making the Artificial Intelligence systems more legible, transparent, fair, and environmentally sound through arts and design. Come along to delve deeper into the ideas and concepts behind the work and to participate in the research.

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The New Real Salon Opening

The New Real Salon Opening

Join The New Real, a project out of the Edinburgh Future’s Institute, as we present a programme of work, Exploring the future of AI and the arts, across the weekend of October 28th - 30th. The weekend will kick off with the New Real Salon Opening event on Friday the 28th, where leading contemporary AI artists, designers and scientists will explore the most transformative technologies out there and announce a major new programme on Next Generation Intelligent Experiences. Experience our ground-breaking ideas around the arts and culture of tomorrow and how AI intersects with society to allow us to reflect back on ourselves.

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The New Real AI Brunch @ ARS Electronica

The New Real AI Brunch @ ARS Electronica

We are delighted to be part of Ars Electronica 2022: Welcome to Planet B, where we will be inviting visitors to our A.I. Brunch: Here Be (Intelligent) Dragons, which will explore new horizons for creative AI in the arts. This dynamic workshop you will provide opportunities to collaborate with other expert practitioners on stimulating challenges. Join our growing interdisciplinary network of engaged minds.

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The New Real Observatory: Exhibition @ ARS Electronica
to 11 Sep

The New Real Observatory: Exhibition @ ARS Electronica

We are delighted to be part of Ars Electronica 2022: Welcome to Planet B, where we will be presenting The New Real Observatory exhibition featuring artworks by Inés Cámara Leret, Adam Harvey, and Kizziah McNeill presenting multi-sensory explorations of possible futures and investigating the entanglements of people, data, machines and environments

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Edinburgh International Culture Summit

Edinburgh International Culture Summit

We are delighted to be part of Edinburgh International Culture Summit 2022 where we will be presenting our exciting research Programme. At this year’s Edinburgh International Culture Summit, The New Real team will introduce policy makers and cultural professionals from participating nations to exciting new ways to combine art and technology in delightful and transformative digital cultural experiences for global audiences.

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